Santa & Cole returns to Euroluce with Strofa chiara, strofa scura, A Play by Santa &Cole, to present its novelties. The colour vanilla opens the scene in this succession of acts with different characters and light serves as the guiding thread of the space: from the abundance of Vaso to the sparkle of Bijou, accompanied by the subtlety of Tekiò.
An architectural synthesis that becomes a canvas for each scene. A tier introduces the Outdoor collection, advocating for the benefits of indoor comfort on the outside. This tier extends around the perimeter in the form of a continuous shelf where we discover multiple lamps such as Duo, Sylvestrina or Lámina. And on each stage we present different suspended compositions such as Lámina, Tekiò or the new colour palette by Claudia Valsells.
The Lámina family unfolds in its numerous versions leading us to a long central table presided over by its new golden version, a ray of light. In turn, the subtlety of Tekiò comes to illuminate Claudia Valsells' selection of eight colours for the M64 lamp by designer Miguel Milá, unveiling a new visual and emotional perception of it, and which expands all the way to the main counter. The publication that accompanies our stand has been produced by Bendita Gloria and is presented as if it were a play, with acts and characters, Strofa chiara, strofa scura.